Top 5 acu points and 5 things that can help you take a pass on kidney stones

Saturday, June 22, 2019 Posted by Saravanan V 1 comments


Today we discuss about 5 things that can help you take a pass on kidney stones

What is a Kidney Stone?
A kidney stone is as the name suggests, a stone-like material that accumulates in the kidney out of the substances in the urine.

If you’ve ever passed a kidney stone, you probably would not wish it on your worst enemy, and you’ll do anything to avoid it again. “Kidney stones are more common in men than in women, and in about half of people who have had one, kidney stones strike again within 10 to 15 years without preventive measures,” says Dr. Brian Eisner, co-director of the Kidney Stone Program at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

Where do kidney stones come from?
Kidney stones form develop when certain substances, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, become concentrated enough to form crystals in your kidneys. The crystals grow larger into “stones.” About 80% to 85% of kidney stones are made of calcium. The rest are uric acid stones, which form in people with low urine pH levels.

After stones form in the kidneys, they can dislodge and pass down the ureter, blocking the flow of urine. The result is periods of severe pain, including flank pain (pain in one side of the body between the stomach and the back), sometimes with blood in the urine, nausea, and vomiting. As the stones pass down the ureter toward the bladder, they may cause frequent urination, bladder pressure, or pain in the groin.

“If you experience any of these symptoms, see your primary care physician,” says Dr. Eisner. “He or she will likely perform a urinalysis and a renal ultrasound, abdominal x-ray, or CT scan to confirm kidney stones are the source of your pain and determine their size and number.”

Let kidney stones pass
Stones typically take several weeks to a few months to pass, depending on the number of stones and their size. Over-the-counter pain medications, like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or naproxen (Aleve), can help you endure the discomfort until the stones pass. Your doctor also may prescribe an alpha blocker, which relaxes the muscles in your ureter and helps pass stones quicker and with less pain.

If the pain becomes too severe, or if they are too large to pass, they can be surgically removed with a procedure called a ureteroscopy. Here, a small endoscope (a device with a miniature video camera and tools at the end of a long tube) is passed into the bladder and up the ureter while you are under general anesthesia. A laser breaks up the stones, and then the fragments are removed.

Take steps to bypass kidney stones
Even though kidney stones can be common and recur once you’ve had them, there are simple ways to help prevent them. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Drink enough water. 
A 2015 meta-analysis from the National Kidney Foundation found that people who produced 2 to 2.5 liters of urine daily were 50% less likely to develop kidney stones than those who produced less. It takes about 8 to 10 8-ounce glasses (about 2 liters total) of water daily to produce that amount.

2. Skip high-oxalate foods. 
Such foods, which include spinach, beets, and almonds, obviously raise oxalate levels in the body. However, moderate amounts of low-oxalate foods, such as chocolate and berries, are okay.

3. Enjoy some lemons. 
Citrate, a salt in citric acid, binds to calcium and helps block stone formation. “Studies have shown that drinking ½ cup of lemon juice concentrate diluted in water each day, or the juice of two lemons, can increase urine citrate and likely reduce kidney stone risk,” says Dr. Eisner.

4. Watch the sodium. 
A high-sodium diet can trigger kidney stones because it increases the amount of calcium in your urine. Federal guidelines suggest limiting total daily sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams (mg). If sodium has contributed to kidney stones in the past, try to reduce your daily sodium to 1,500 mg.

5.  Cut back on animal protein. 
Eating too much animal protein, such as meat, eggs, and seafood, boosts the level of uric acid. If you’re prone to stones, limit your daily meat intake to a quantity that is no bigger than a pack of playing cards.

Top 5 acupuncture points for take a pass on kidney stones

Try the 8 acupuncture points for kidney stone painand get welcome relief from a painful condition. Remember that if things get worse, you have to speak to your doctor for further consultation.



Acupressure point for Boost our sex life

Friday, March 30, 2018 Posted by Saravanan V 2 comments

Acupressure point for Boots sex life

Hi, im talking about boost our sex engery level for aged people. Above 40+ years :))

Butterfly or Dragonfly  Pose.


1. Start off by sitting in the Lotus Pose or Padma Asana

2. Now position your legs so that the soles of your feet are touching each other Your knees should be bent

3. Try to position your feet as close to your pubic area as possible; in other words, try to pull your heels inwards
4. Grasp your feet with your hands and sit up with your back as straight as possible
5. Inhale and place a hand on each knee
6. Exhale and press on your thighs until your knees touch the floor This may not be possible for everyone Avoid over exerting yourself, and push down only as far as is comfortable for you
7. Inhale and allow the knees to come back up again
8. Exhale and repeat this process 15 to 20 times

Therapeutic Applications :

•  it can also help boost your sex life. This type of yoga can teach you how and when to exercise self control and when to release energy.

•  This is an excellent posture for women during menstruation as it helps to relieve some of the discomfort and pain associated with menstruating

•  This posture is also supposed to be very beneficial for women after menopause

•  The Butterfly Pose helps to open up the hips and genital areas and is very good for pregnant women Regular practice of this posture can help in easing the pain associated with natural childbirth

•  Regular practice of this posture is beneficial to the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland, and ovaries

so use this method before bed. 



Color Therapy - Health Colors

Thursday, February 9, 2017 Posted by Saravanan V 0 comments

Health and Colors

Light, heat, energy and colors of the bright waves produce effective vibrations in the tissues of man and animals. This vibration affects the tissues. Particular colors affect the particular parts of the body.

Detail is given below:
Every disease can be treated using the colors that have been known to man till now.

In children because of the Hemolytic disease the red blood corpuscles break down excessively and a pale fluid increases in the blood resulting in jaundice. If this substance reaches the brain, the mental growth of the child is hampered.

There are two possible ways of treating this disease.

  1. Blood transfusion
  2. Use of colors
In color therapy, for treating such a child, he is kept under blue lights of adequate power. It has been observed experimentally that blue light is the treatment and cure of this disease and the complications resulting from transfusion of blood and the disease.

Proper usage or colors restores the immune system of the patients, A premature born baby, kept in the incubator. in adequately supplied oxygen and violet light. completes his growth swiftly.  

The sunlight contains certain minerals and gases, which are the chief constituent of the human food that provides us energy, lf food and light both are supplemented the energy could be increased many folds.

Once it came to my mind that all the colors arc present in the sunlight and all our needs are associated with these colors and if the sunlight could be stored in our biological system then the needs of the food could be fulfilled by consuming energy from that store directly. Then, according to a duly chalked out program. I started sitting for my breathing exercises. early in the morning facing the east. before the rise of the sun and determining the quantity or the needed food. During these exercises I used to concentrate with every breath that I am inhaling the sun rays containing the needed amounts of energy. And these rays are being stored in my stomach. After practicing this thing for few days. I actually started feeling that I do not require any food except water nor did I experience any weakness although I practiced this exercise for seventeen day's continuously without having any solid food of any type, I started felling very light as if I was walking in the space and the sold concrete walls appeared to me as those were made or paper.

Sun is an important source of vitamin D, Sunlight contains other vitamins as well and every vitamin is associated with its particular color.

The best way to absorb any particular color is to use fruits and vegetables of that color. Fruits and vegetables absorb the sunlight directly. but a balanced ratio of the colors must be maintained over cooking and roasting wastes the colors present in food.

Psychological effects of colors: 
All the expert color therapists agree that the colors are beneficial for man in every respect. Use of proper colors in every department gives undoubtedly advantageous effects. 

Case No.1 
When, in a factory rate of absentees increased in the lady workers and the production suffered he management consulted a color therapist. He suggested, after examining the site. that the main cause of the problem was blue paint of the walls of the working area. Excess of this color was causing sickening effects in the ladies Thus. the walls were painted in the light of his suggestion with light brown color. This balanced the affects of the blue and the attendance came hack to its normal. 

Case No.2 
In another factory. where the workers had a problem of loss or concentration. which resulted in one or the other accident. when the dark panes of windows were painted orange. the rate of accidents dropped. workers started taking interest due to their increased concentration and they worked enthusiastically.

Case No.3
In a rest room. where the walls had blue paint. people complained about cold. But. when the walls were painted with orange color. they felt hot though the temperature remained the same. 

Case No.4
During an experiment, a group of sales men was made to have their meeting in a room painted in red. And, the other group was provided a room with green atmosphere. Before meeting their watches were taken off.

After 4 hours' meeting. the salesmen having meeting in the red room estimated the time of their meeting as six to seven hours: whereas the members having meeting in the green room thought their meeting had lasted over two hours. 

Case No.5 
How do the colors affect our judgment concerning the weight of objects') This interesting investigation proves that weight of dark colored object is felt more than the light colored objects. Products of a factory were packed in back metal boxes. Laborers always asked tor assistance for lifting them. When the foreman got those boxes painted in green. they stopped complaining about the heaviness of the boxes.

Case No.6 
Quality of teaching and learning can also be improved using the appropriate colors. If difficult topics are explained using colorful slides, it becomes easier for the students to understand and remember it. If the slides have only one or two colors it proves to be more effective. During an investigation. when the students were shown green colored slides. the 
students secured 40% more marks as compared to that group of students who were shown black and white slides and the results improved by 80% when the two colored slides of green and red were shown but the increase with the three and more colored slides was only 30%. 

Case No.7
A football coach narrating his experiences has written that he had two dressing rooms for the players. One had blue painted walls, which he used for resting of players. whereas the other. which was painted in red was used before going into the field. where they decided and finalized their strategy. This enabled them to perform in the play ground in a much better way.

Case No.8
Proprietor of a Radio Station, for the sake of attraction, installed tube lights of red colors. With in two months the management and the employees developed a row amongst themselves. Upon the suggestion of a color therapist. red tube lights were replaced with normal ones and miraculously feelings of fraternity were restored, the fights stopped and the resignations were taken back.

Case No.9
A famous businessman had a phobia of trains. automobiles and hard floors. One day he wore red coat and felt a strange feeling of vitality and diminishing of his fears. He started using red clothes and under garments and his phobias vanished and his life became normal.

In the modern times men, too, have started wearing clothes of bright colors. People, who select their clothes after consulting color experts. say that the colorful dress did bring a healthy change, not only in their life-style but in their lives as well.

Countless men and women, after entering into the world of colors. grown more confident, have better jobs and the numbers of their friends increased many folds and to top it all, ratio of divorces among the newly wed-couples have dropped considerably.

In the history of mankind the need of use of colors was never felt so intensely as is in the modern world of tension, anxiety. and stress and strain.

Use of proper colors not only helps in having an attractive personality but the mind also gets conditioned. 

Black and dark brown colors represent dismay and sorrow therefore, instead of these colors, use of those colors is recommended, which give boost to confidence and are soul soothing.


Light and Colors

Thursday, January 26, 2017 Posted by Saravanan V 0 comments

Light and Colors


Light is electromagnetic energy that can pass through transparent objects and empty space without requiring any medium for its transmission from one place to another. There arc different views about colors. Light in actual effect is a combination of different frequencies and various wavelengths. Feeling of a particular wavelength, having a typical frequency, by the retina and the mind is known as color.


In 1666 Sir Isaac Newton expounded the Principles of Gravitation and Theory of Colors. When the sunlight or the light waves. according to this theory, pass through a prism, they disperse according to their frequencies into seven bands and we know this grouping of waves. as colors, All the other colors arc shades of these seven bands of colors This band of rainbow colors resulting from the dispersal of light waves is named as spectrum. 

Violet. indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red, are the colors in a spectrum our eyes arc more sensitive for yellow and green colors and interestingly the sunlight also boosts yellow and green more than other colors.

Colors witnessed in a spectrum are only the visible part of the spectrum. The waves, which have wave lengths shorter than violet waves cannot be seen by our eyes e.g. ultra-violet rays, x-rays, gamma rays etc. Similarly the waves of larger wavelengths than the red also cannot be seen e.g. infra-red and microwaves.

It is not so that everybody can witness the colors other than the seven colors of the spectrum. there are people who can witness even the invisible waves of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Colors and optical system:

How do Vie see color? There are different views in this regard. The idea that is generally accepted is known as Classical Theory. Classical Theory was presented by renowned Physicist Mr. Young and anatomist Mr. Jlelm Holtz. This is also called Young Helm Holtz Theory. Hath these scientists were moved to see that only three colors are enough to form other compound colors.

Three types of cones. according 10 this theory, arc there on the retina. One type of cones is sensitive for the wavelengths of blue color. other is sensitive for yellow color and third type of cones is to feel the red. The wavelength of the color falling upon the retina triggers the concerned cone and thus the particular color is sighted. All the colors arc witnessed because of triggering of two or three cones e.g, wavelength of purple activates the cones sensitive for red and blue. Resulting activation of these two cones we sec purple color.

Why do we see colors? Color, in actual fact. is that quality of the light which it expresses after mixing with darkness. We see an object black because it absorbs all the waves of the light and we see an object white: because it reflects all the waves of the light. We see an object red because it reflects the waves of the red color only and absorbs all the other waves. And, the same is true for all other colors.

Why are the colors? How do they form? What . . arc the primary colors? Exact situation is vet not clear. Some consider that there are four primary colors: some say these are three. And, according to few. black is the basic and primary color. 

Spiritual Theory of Colors

Man has so far discovered about 60 types of colors and people with very sharp vision only can distinguish these sixty colors, Man names the thing.

which sight can perceive, as color. light precious stones and in the last stage calls it water. When we see in the space and the sight reflects back upon the screen of our mind. it creates an impression. This impression is conceived as sky blue color.

After raining, when the atmosphere is clear of dirt and smoke. the rays of the sky blue color change their hue according to their position. Here 'position' means atmosphere, which man terms high. low down. vast, near or away from the earth. These things make the blue color deep or light and so much so that it changes altogether into different color or colors. Between the earth and our range of sight there exist innumerable types of rays. The type of ray's is sighted as colors. The atmosphere is filled with many things besides rays of colors. which are responsible for changes in it. The scene before our sight includes light. oxygen. nitrogen. and other gases. Besides these gases some shades of different intensity are also there. Some other components also include in the sky blue color. These very components produce different types of colors. Here this must be kept in mind that the light and dark shades also play an important role in the making of different types of colors

What is the actual source of light? Man does not know it exactly The distance between the  source of rainbow and earth is reported to be ninety million miles, This means that the colors seen so closely are originating at such a far away distance. It is bit difficult to  understand that besides rays what other things keep on dissolving in the air exist in the atmosphere. The smallest particle of the rays reaching us from the sun is called photon. 
In Sufism. the word 'aariz' is used for photon, Even the word photon does not cover the exact meanings. which the word aariz carries. but it is the only closest term that can give an occidental reader some idea of aariz. It is one of the characteristics of aariz that it has no dimensions and these arc so swift and fast that they come back from where they start their journey in the very same moment after covering. the whole cosmos. We cannot say what the status of photon is in this regard according to the scientists, but it is certain that aariz: travels through the universe at such an incredible speed that it reaches back. from where it starts it journey. in the very same moment after traversing the entire universe. Since there are no dimensions in the aariz. therefore, when they scatter in the form 0 frays. they neither collide nor replace one another.

Space. ill actual fact, is the contact aariz with anyone of the elements existing in the atmosphere.

What is this atmosphere'? Atmosphere is the division of colors. This division of colors is not happening because of the aari: alone; rather it takes place because of the loops produced by the aariz, When an aariz strike against these loops it gives rise to things like space, colors and other things.

Now the question is that how the loops are formed in the rays. We do know about the existence of stars in the galaxies: the stars which are considered to he the sun. The distance between two stars is estimated to be five light years at the least. Wherever the lights of the stars collide they form loops because 01 difference In their types. Our earth or other planets are also merely loops. which are formed in the colliding lights of the billions of stars in our galaxies. Wherever the lights of these stars collide; a loop is formed which. after accumulating more lights takes the form of a planet.

First of all a mixture of blue color. combined with many other colors, is received by man through his head and hair. These mixed colors keep on absorbing and i influencing the thoughts and feelings in him. The more one accepts the influence the more one is affected by It.

There- are billions of cells in the human brain. An electric current resulting from the frequencies of" rays of colors. flows through these cells. Thoughts keep on passing through the conscious and the subconscious and more through the unconscious mind. due to this current. Thoughts and feelings keep on changing continuously under the influence of the light and dark shades of the colors. A shade, after producing its effect, leaves its place so that another type of shade could take over. The replaced shades. if they are dark enough. transform into Our feelings and rest of thoughts dissipate into thin air.

Gradually man learns to connect these thoughts with one another. The thoughts, which arc not entertained, are altogether deleted. And. the thoughts that absorb in our mind become our acts and deeds. These very shades are responsible for the sorrows and delight that we experience. These make us happy or sorrowful according (0 (heir intensity. Discarded shades are discharged from the body system and which are absorbed and adopted. form our nervous system.

Since man being a biped, walks and moves around in upright position on two feel. therefore. these shades. first or all, affect his brain, Our brain has specific movements through which it causes our nervous system work for us. The hind portion of our brain: medulla oblongata, and the spinal cord play the key role in our nervous system. The sorrow and delight. which in fact. are a son of electric impulse, enters the nervous system through our brain and affects the whole of our nervous system.

The waves that enter the brain or bipeds me earthed through the feet after passing through the whole body. The weight and effectiveness of these waves arc not uniform for all the places in the atmosphere rather it varies from place to place because of their dividing nature As a result of this division the brain absorbs few shades more than others and the others are altogether left out.

If we look at someone's (ace intently. we can notice various colors on 11 and the most prominent of all is the color or one's eyes and that of the feelings which one experiences at that particular moment. Many a reflections from outside influence our feelings: some refresh us. some cause us to become pensive. some give us strength and some make us feel weak. All the brain work depends upon those much seen things. which gradually infuse in our nerves, sometimes it works correctly and at times it does not. The brain waves produce so many impressions on a face that virtually it seems impossible to read all of them but still a sort of film is displayed on the bee that informs us about the impressions transferring into the nerves.

next week ill post about "The sky blue color".


Introduction color therapy treatment

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Posted by Saravanan V 0 comments


yes. after long time,  today im writing about color therapy treatment. we are acupuncturist. we can use for patient or not.  but we must know about this color therapy. 

Columns. Articles and write ups to create awareness in the masses about theory of colors, their therapeutic effects and methods of treating diseases using colors.

  1. Violet, 2. indigo, 3. blue, 4. green, 5. yellow, 6. orange and 7. Red.

We cannot claim that 100% patients were cured but the fact is, that if the colors are applied and used properly up to 99% results.

The biggest benefit of this therapeutic is that the treatment is cost effective.. almost free. simple and hassle free. This treatment can be carried out using ordinary drinking water after charging it with colorful rays. When this charged water is used, the stomach does not check it and its charge passes over to the blood and the nerves directly. Another property of thus charged water is that it circulates in the body just like ordinary water circulates after merging into blood and is excreted after leaving behind its absorbed colors in the veins, arteries and flesh. Every medicament affects the body and is excreted leaving behind its effects.

Another property of thus charged water is that it circulates in the body just like ordinary water circulates after merging into blood and is excreted after leaving behind its absorbed colors in the veins, arteries and flesh. Every medicament affects the body and is excreted leaving behind its effects.

Color Therapy balances the excess or deficiency of colors in the body and the required color infuses in the nerves and muscles. the most important characteristic of this therapeutic system. This also is the quality of the charged water that after discharging the color, it washes down the nerves, veins, blood cells, heart and the brain and helps in excreting the toxic and poisonous materials from the body system.

What, in actual fact is the history of colors:

What do the wavelength, frequency and creation of colors actually means? The present scientific theories about colors. the spiritual point of view. the system of waves and colors in the cosmos, production of the senses due 10 distribution of waves and chemical changes in the cells of the human body because of increase and decrease of colors.

Whether it is Homeopathy. Acupuncture, allopathy, Ayurveda or Biochemic or any other therapeutic system, all have one thing in common: the effect of vibrations upon the body.

Vibrations are of two types; direct and indirect Vibrations affect the body indirectly in all the  therapeutic systems except Color Therapy where the vibrations affect the body directly. When doctors. homeopaths and other medical practitioners tried this therapeutic system, the results proved La be satisfactory.

Research on Color Therapy is still on-going  and it is hoped that this therapeutic system will cause the medical science to enter into a new era and man would be benefited from this cost free and simple treatment. It is not unlikely for this natural and curative treatment system to become very popular among the masses.

1. Light and Colors
2. Health and Colors
3. Method of treatment
4. Diseases of Liver and Pancreas
5. Diseases of Respiratory System
6. Diseases of Circulatory System and Heart
7. Sexual Diseases
8. Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder
9. Diseases of Nervous System
10. Diseases of Hormones
11. Psychiatric Problems
12. Skin Diseases
13. Children's Diseases
14. Gynecological Diseases
15. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases
16. Eye Diseases
17. Color Therapy In Practice details

Note: This section credited by Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi.

This method very simple and very effective.
Thanks. we will continue next week. :) 

Acupuncture points for Brain Refreshing

Saturday, July 16, 2016 Posted by Saravanan V 1 comments
How are you friends? yes after long time return back. 

today im writing about acupressure points for brain refreshing  :) 


GV26 (above the upper lip) with GV16 (in the center of the base of the skull).
Use gentle touch.

basically GV26 is very important points for emergency time. 
this point indication for 
1. Coma, syncope, apoplexy, sunstroke, shock, respiratory failure
2. hysteria, insanity, epilepsy, mental diseases
3. nasal obstruction, epistaxis, facial edmea, deviation of the mouth, toothache, trismus, and other diseases of the nose and mouth
4. acute lumbar muscle sprain.

GV16 relaxes the brain, relieves mental stress, neck pain, and racing thoughts.

gv16 indication is 
1. Apoplexy, insanity, epilepsy, hysteria, mental diseases.
2. headache, vertigo, neck rigidity, sore throat, motor aphasia, eye pain, epistaxis.

After using these points, follow-up with 5-minutes of Foot Reflexology.

It’s essential to keep your sessions short in the beginning (15 minutes total max) especially for trauma and injuries, but then you can gradually increase the amount of time a few minutes more each week.

GV20 indication is
1. dementia, apoplexy, aphasia, clonic convulsions, insomnia, amnesia, insanity, epilepsy, hysteria, mental diseases.
2. head-wind, headche, dizziness, tinnitus and other diseases associated with kidney prolapse.

Please do not under estimate how healing this simple flow pattern is for stabilizing after injuries or a trauma.

Also add the famous point LI 4, in the webbing between your thumb and index finger. This point brings the energy down, away from the head and decreases inflammation.

Note. Needle not necessary for GV 26. just pressure is enough. 

10 Tips to Wake Up, Refresh, & Energize Your Brain

Weekday mornings are never appealing to the brain. However, there are certain things you can do to ease the torturous time and effort to wake up, refresh, and energize your mind. Check out our tips below:

1. Drink Water — Drink a glass of water immediately after you wake up to kick up your metabolism and de-fog your brain.

2. Don’t “Snooze” — You’re setting yourself up to feel lazy & unmotivated throughout the day when you delay waking up and hit “snooze” multiple times in the morning. Pick a time that gives you enough sleep but also enough time to go through your morning routine without rushing, and wake up when your first alarm rings.

3. Open the Blinds — Sunlight has a direct effect on the activity in our brains. When we deprive our brains of light, we will stay in a groggy, sleep-like state of consciousness. Bright light helps shift our brain waves to higher frequencies and triggers the release of brain-happy neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

4. Exercise in the Morning — The act of exercising in the morning might sound horrendous if you’ve never done it, but besides obvious health reasons, it’ll actually give you more energy throughout the whole day. Try sleeping in your workout clothes to lessen the chances of making excuses in the morning.

5. Turn up the Music — Listen to some upbeat tunes as you get ready in the morning. Studies have shown that music is the one stimulus that lights up the entire brain on a PET scan. Music helps the brain release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate the brain’s pleasure and reward centres, as well as emotional responses and motivation.

6. Take a Cold Shower — No explanation needed. It’s horrible. But it works.

7. Don’t treat Coffee like a “Drug” — On days you feel more energized, try to forego the coffee, or at least try cutting down the amount you drink everyday. If you absolutely need a pick-me-up, try drinking some brain-healthy green tea instead!

8. Eat Breakfast — Take the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” seriously. Breakfast gives your brain vital nutrients that it needs in order to optimally carry out mental processes throughout the day. Think of it as fuel for your body, without it, you’ll run out of fumes! Try including some brain-healthy foods in your breakfast diet.

9. Talk to Someone — Engage in some light chit-chat with a family member, friend, or co-worker in the morning. Even though you might not feel like it, taking the initiative to engage in a conversation really helps to get your mind & body out of a “zombie-like” state.

10. Play Fit Brains — Prep your brain for a new day’s workload by spending a few minutes playing Fit Brains brain games. Fit Brains exercises help stimulate and entertain your mind. You can play Fit Brains on any web browser or train on-the-go with our iOS, Android, or Amazon app!


Source points

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Posted by Saravanan V 1 comments

today i would like to share about source points.

A source point refers to the place where the primordial qi from the organs gathers and then is distributed throughout the body. 

I. The Yuan Source points are where the Yuan Qi, the body's primordial Qi, pools.
II. Each of the 12 meridians has a Yuan Source point including the TH which is also the meridian responsible for circulating the Yuan Qi.
III. With their relationship to the primordial Qi, the Yuan Source points indicate the nature of Yin in the body and the Yin Yuan Points can be used to tonify the 5 Yin Organs (HT, LU, SP, KD, LV) a/or as diagnostic tools for the 5 Yin Organs.
IV. The Yang Yuan Points are not used to tonify yang organs but can be used to expel pathogenic factors a/or release excess patterns.

LI 4 - expel wind heat
TH 4 - clears heat from the GB
SI 4 - treat pain along the SI meridian
ST 42 - acute facial paralysis from wind-cold
GB 40 - resolve LV Qi stagnation

UB 64 - resolve damp cold in the lower warmer.

Each of the 12 regular meridians has a Yuan (Source) point near the wrist or ankle joints of the four extremities through which the vital energy of the zangfu organs passes and to some extent accumulates. "Yuan" means origin, and refers to the source of vital energy through which the pathological changes of zangfu organs are manifested. The chapter on the Nine Needles and the Twelve Sources of the book Lingshu states, "The twelve Yuan (source) points are indicated in disorders of the internal organs." The vital energy of the twelve regular meridians is ciosely associated with the Sanjiao which generalizes the functional activities of the stomach, spleen and kidney and is the manifestation of the function of vital energy. Vital energy, originating from the congen ital qi of the kidneys, is transported all over the body. It goes to the exterior, interior, superior and inferior parts of the body, following the courses of the meridians and maintaining vital functions of the human body. This process is maintained by the Sanjiao.

Clinically, Yuan (source) points are of great significance in treating diseases of the internal organs. Puncturing the Yuan (source) points stimulates the vital energy of the regular meridians, regulates the functional activities of the internal organs, reinforces antipathogenic factors and eliminates pathogenic factors. This method of treating diseases deals principally with the root causes. The Yuan (source) point from the affected meridian is often combined with the Luo (connecting) point of the internally-externally related meridians in use.

This is known as the combination of the main point (Yuan) and the accompanying point (Luo), or simply the combination of the Yuan (source) point and the Luo (connecting) point. Functionally, the Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin and the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming are internally-externally related. The Yuan (source) point from the primarily affected meridian is combined with the Luo (connecting) point of its externally-internally related meridian. For example, if the Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin (interior) becomes diseased, sore throat, cough and asthma will occur. Taiyuan (Lu.9) is chosen as the main point and Pianli (L.I.6) is chosen as the accompanying one in the prescription. If the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand- Yangming (exterior) becomes diseased, e.g. toothache, Hegu (L.I.4), the Yuan (source) point of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, and Lieque (Lu.7), the Luo (connecting) point of the Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin are prescribed.
Clinically, research has shown that pathological changes of the zangfu organs are often manifested at the twelve Yuan (source) points. For example, tenderness at a Yuan (source) point often indicates pathological changes of the associated meridian and the internally related organ.

In researching the meridian over the last few decades, Yuan (source) points were used as the key points to detect changes of cutaneous electrical resistance and to examine the condition of qi and blood of the twelve regular meridians. It was discovered that a significantly accurate estimation of the nature of many zangfu disorders could be made by using these methods.

The 12 Yuan (source) points are within the category of the Five Shu Points. Each Yang meridian has its own Yuan (source) point which is located between the Shu-stream point and the Jing-well point. The 6 Yin meridians do not have separate Yuan (source) points, their Shu-stream points being concurrently the Yuan (source) points, i.e. the Yuan (source) points and Shu-stream points of Yin meridians are actually the same.

Thanks. saroepic.