Loss weight for jogging plan

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Posted by Saravanan V

Today we discuss about loss weight jogging plan.

Here are three good reasons to pick up the pace when you exercise: It's easier than you think, you'll get fitter and healthier in no time, and you'll reach your weight loss goals faster.

Yet all these benefits are lost on millions of women who are afraid to take that first quick step. "They think it's just for jocks, or they've tried it before and hated it," says Jane Serues, a women's running coach based in Springtown, PA, and founder of First Strides, a beginner walking and running workshop for women.

The secret, she says, is getting your muscles, connective tissues, and joints accustomed to the higher intensity by slowly sneaking jogging into your walking workouts. "I've seen hundreds of women who thought they could never run a mile just glow when they finish a 5-K ."

Serues designed the 12-week walk-to-jog program to get you in shape to run a 5-K this summer--whether you'll actually run one or not. (If you do, you'll get a cool T-shirt and sometimes a bag of free stuff just for showing up.)

Before you begin, you should be able to walk for 20 minutes comfortably. Walk for 5 minutes to warm up before your workout and to cool down afterward; stretch when you're done. After 12 weeks, you should be able to jog continuously for 45 minutes.
Walk-to-Jog Plan Glossary
Walk:JogThe first number is the amount of time you walk; the second number is the amount of time you jog.

RepsThe number of times you repeat the Walk:Jog sequence.

Total TimeThe total minutes you walk plus the total you jog after completing the recommended number of reps (not including a warm-up and cool-down).

FrequencyThe number of times per week to do this workout. Early on, try to give yourself a rest day between workouts while your body adjusts to the higher intensity.

Walk-to-Jog Plan
Top 5 tips for Jogging
lot of days speaking, if you can walk, you can jog. But since jogging is a higher-impact activity, it requires slightly more preparation to do it safely.

(If you're 55 or older--45 for men--or have any health or joint problems, check with your doctor before beginning a jogging program.) 

Here are 5 tips for loss weight jogging:

1. Must Upgrade your shoes first.Because you're propelling yourself higher off the ground, jogging involves more impact than walking does. This is good for your bones, but without the right footwear, it can be stressful on your joints. Running shoes are designed to help your feet strike the ground properly and reduce the amount of shock your legs absorb. Seek help at a specialty running store to find the pair that fits you best.

2. Stretch your calves.Stand about 2 feet away from a wall to start. Step forward and place your right foot at a 45-degree angle against the wall, with the ball of your foot pressing against it and your heel on the ground. Place your hands on the wall at chest level, and lean your hips toward the wall (your back heel will come off the ground) until you feel a stretch in your right calf. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs.

3. Strengthen your legs with step-ups.For a great leg and ankle exercise, stand facing a step, with your hands on your hips. Place your left foot on the step and slowly lift yourself up. Just tap your right foot on the top of the step without placing any weight on it, then slowly lower your right foot back to the ground. Then step off with your left foot. Repeat, alternating feet for a total of 60 seconds. Doing step-ups before or after a run will help you avoid injuries by strengthening the muscles that support your joints.

4. Tame the bounce.Your breasts need special bounce protection against the ups and downs of jogging. Major athletic-wear stores carry sports bras for every shape and size.

5. Seek softer surfaces.Dirt roads, cinder walkways, jogging trails, treadmills, and even blacktop paths have more cushioning than concrete sidewalks.
